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Registration information
Name of the variety (RU)DS-Мистика
Name of the variety (EN)DS-Mysticism
Registration number040
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Main characteristics of the variety
Length of adult plant leaf in centimeters. Typical size of the mature plant12-20 cm
Optimal number of rosettes for mature plant1
Phase change. Quickness of transition to flowering phaseProne to crowding
The optimum and maximum pot size for two-year-old plant in centimeters12-15 cm
Main characteristics of leaves
Intensity of transpirationStandard type
Leaf chlorophyll concentrationShade tolerant
Leaves thicknessAverage
Stiffness of the leavesAverage
Ratio of length to width of the leaf. Leaves’ formsWide
Aesthetic characteristic of flowering
Length of the flower stalk (peduncle)Average peduncles
Peduncles’ stiffness. The thickness of the flower stalks elasticity, resistanceWeak
The average number of flowers on the peduncles1-4
Size of flowers in cm7-9+cm cm
Flower shapeNormal
Density and thickness of the petalsThin
Resistance to fallingModerate falling off
Resistance to transportationAverage
Flowers color pigments’ resistance to fading and low temperature requirementStable pigment
Possibility of forming a Bouquet (Hat) of flowers. PresentabilityExclusive
Additional characteristics of the blooms
Pistil is deformed and sterile like in Streprocarpus Silvia. Female sterilityNo
Doublefloweredness. Additional petals. Male sterilitynorm
Fantasy and percentage of sports in vegetative reproductionNon fantasy hybrid
Petals’edge shapeSmooth
Fragrant flowers. The ability to change colorFragrant +++