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Registration information |
Name of the variety (RU) | DS-Мистика |
Name of the variety (EN) | DS-Mysticism |
Registration number | 040 |
Date | 090311 |
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Image 3 | |
Discussion of the sort in the forum (RU) | Follow |
Discussion of the sort in the forum (EN) | Follow |
Main characteristics of the variety |
Length of adult plant leaf in centimeters. Typical size of the mature plant | 12-20 cm |
Optimal number of rosettes for mature plant | 1 |
Phase change. Quickness of transition to flowering phase | Prone to crowding |
Salt-sensitivity | Standard |
The optimum and maximum pot size for two-year-old plant in centimeters | 12-15 cm |
Main characteristics of leaves |
Intensity of transpiration | Standard type |
Leaf chlorophyll concentration | Shade tolerant |
Leaves thickness | Average |
Stiffness of the leaves | Average |
Ratio of length to width of the leaf. Leaves’ forms | Wide |
Aesthetic characteristic of flowering |
Length of the flower stalk (peduncle) | Average peduncles |
Peduncles’ stiffness. The thickness of the flower stalks elasticity, resistance | Weak |
The average number of flowers on the peduncles | 1-4 |
Size of flowers in cm | 7-9+cm cm |
Flower shape | Normal |
Density and thickness of the petals | Thin |
Resistance to falling | Moderate falling off |
Resistance to transportation | Average |
Flowers color pigments’ resistance to fading and low temperature requirement | Stable pigment |
Possibility of forming a Bouquet (Hat) of flowers. Presentability | Exclusive |
Additional characteristics of the blooms |
Pistil is deformed and sterile like in Streprocarpus Silvia. Female sterility | No |
Doublefloweredness. Additional petals. Male sterility | norm |
Fantasy and percentage of sports in vegetative reproduction | Non fantasy hybrid |
Petals’edge shape | Smooth |
Fragrant flowers. The ability to change color | Fragrant +++ |
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