DS-Winnie-the-Pooh, DS-1380, DS-Винни Пух
This is translation from the original Dimetris Russian speaking forum. Dimetris' founder and forum administrator - Pavel Enikeev, Ukraine.
Hybrids with numbers and names:
http://dimetris.com.ua/forum/forum_view ... tter=1&f=5
Hybrids with only numbers:
http://".com.ua/forum/forum_view ... tter=2&f=5
Pavel: " Very good black fantasy. It differs from the DS- Cat Biggy Mat and DS-The Master by larger and more vigorous rosette. Rosette is stronger, but still accurate and proportional. I think that I will propagate this seedling. It is also robust and floriferous. Peduncles are strong too."
on video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ma5IShSkvr4 Pavel: "Why did I name it Winnie-the-Pooh, I don't know . ..."