Translation from Russian forum,
Pavel:" Blossoms size is good (more that 3") dark violet color. Rosette is very accurate, neat, short rounded leaves.
Flower stalks emerge one after another.
In real life it looks much prettier. When flower is opening the fringe is green, then it becomes very dark, almost black.
General appearance:
Rosette is compact, accurate, well-formed. Leaves are not long, wide, rounded shape.
Due to the presence of double-flowered genes blossom are resistant to falling.
Green fringed edge appears when temperature is low. I have 25 C (77 F)
Two months later:
Three month later:
First photos from forumchane (people from forum)
Pavel:" Ira, this flower will increase about 1.5 times in size."
Ira:"I know, just wanted to brag. I love neat, firm rosette."
From another person, May, 2015
From Pavel, June 19, 2013
From me: I love love these kind of rosettes, no huge falling leaves, no leaf cutting, It requires less space.
Bragging from another grower: " Flowers stays for a long time"