Streptocarpus Dimetris

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 Post subject: GLOSSARY
PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 8:10 pm 

Joined: Mon Oct 08, 2012 12:09 pm
Posts: 341
This is the first draft that will be edited many times. Please suggest additional words for the Glossary.

These words are common in Russian forum and its English translation (this forum)


Baby plant (Babies). Young plant that was grown from seed.

Cape Primrose - common name for Streptocarpus

Dome - Miniature greenhouse usually with 100% humidity. It can be transparent plastic box, transparent plastic bag, transparent cup - all tightly closed.

Epiphyte - An epiphyte is a plant that grows non-parasitically upon another plant (such as a tree), and derives its moisture and nutrients from the air, rain, and sometimes from debris accumulating around it instead of the structure it is fastened to.

Fantasy - Streptocarpus with flowers that has different color (colors) marking over the solid

Hat or Hat of flowers Usually we use that term when hybrid is very prolific bloomer and easily creates a lot of flowers that towering over the foliage.

Hybrid - cross between two different species, or hybrids. Hybrids can occur in nature too.

Lithophyte - Lithophytes are plants which grow in or on rocks. Lithophytes feed off nutrients from rainwater and nearby decaying plants, including their own dead tissue.

Peduncle - Flower stack, a stem supporting flowers.

Pistil - The female reproductive part of a flower, usually located in the center of flower.

Point of Growth - Part of the rosette where new leaves appear. Each rosette has only one point of growth.
Some hybrids (with wide leaves) should have only one rosette (one point of growth) Hybrids with narrow leaves can have many. Too many rosette can unsightly, inhibit normal growth and flowering. Examples. DS-April, DS-Yarilo should have only one rosette. DS-Little Plushy (Furry) Arctic Fox can have up to 4-5 rosette in the pot.

Rejuvenating re-potting - removing part or even entire root system and then re-potting.
Depending on the amount of root left and the amount of foliage, plant can be re-potted to the
same, smaller or larger pot.

Rosette - A circular cluster of leaves that radiate from a center at or close to the ground.

Self-forming rosette - Plants with self-forming rosettes have the following characteristics. It has staggered leaves. Each leaf produce flower stalks. Self-forming rosette seldom grow sucker rosette. Hybrids with self-forming rosettes require less care, have better aesthetic qualities and overall produce more flowers.

Silvan - Streptocarpus hybrid that has Streptocarpus Silvia as a ancestor. It has sterile pistil and characteristic dual color pattern. Usually they are very showy. Example: Streptocarpus Wow. However,(majority of silvans) easy drop flowers when moved. Few newest hybrids do not have that problem.

Species - In our context, species are different Streptocarpus plants that originally were found in nature, mostly in Africa.

Stamen - The stamen is the pollen-producing reproductive organ of a flower.

Stomata - Very small opening in leaf, stem and other plant organs. It play an important roll in gas (including water vapor) exchanges between plants and surrounding atmosphere.

Staggered leaves. Each sequential leaf appeared in equal interval and continue to grow at the same rate.

Succulents are plants having some parts that are more than normally thickened and fleshy, usually to retain water. Example: Cactus, Agave

Transfer re-potting - Transfer entire root ball to larger pot.

Turgor - The normal rigidity of plant cells, resulting from the pressure exerted by the cell contents on the cell walls.

Unifoliate - Streptocarpus that has only one leaf.

Variegation is the appearance of differently colored zones in the leaves, and sometimes the stems, of plants.

Xerophytes is a species of plant that has adapted to survive in an environment with little water. Example: cactus, agave.

1:1:1 soil mix - popular soil mix for streps: one part peat, one part vermiculite, one part
perlite. *

*We strongly recommend not to use this mix. It may or may not work, because its ingredient vary depending on suppliers. For example: 30% difference in peat extension ration (Cornell University), The pH of different types of peat range from a very acid 3.6 to slightly alkaline 6.5
Also good streps soil requires additional components. Streps may survive in this mix but may be weaker and vulnerable to disease. The best way to grow streps is to use professional soil Pro-Mix BX Biofungicide + Mycorrhizae (add 20-25 % perlite) or Pro-Mix HP (See article " Who kill my streps?" ):


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