Streptocarpus Dimetris

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 Post subject: Introduction
PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 12:10 pm 

Joined: Mon Oct 08, 2012 12:09 pm
Posts: 341
Unfortunately, I was not able to be actively involved in the Streptocarpus community for the last few years but am now back. I would like to share with you the results of experiments I have been conducting during this time. However, I need to say that, from the very beginning of my involvement with these amazing plants, my mission has been to help people to grow robust, vigorous flowers and avoid the pit-falls that all too frequently kill them. Unfortunately, very often on the internet and from other sources we hear conflicting information. What is a poor beginner to do?!

I set out to do these experiments also to satisfy my own curiosity about the best, easiest, and least expensive way to grow the plants. Second, I wanted to verify whether the statements made by other growers were accurate since no proofs of their assertions were provided. I will start with the easiest and funniest experiments and then move to the more complex and serious.

A number of these experiments have already been published in Gesneriads and in our Dimetris Russian language flower forum and have been read and discussed by over 9,000 people.

I am posting them in small parts, so It will probably take me a long time to post everything that I have right now. Please note that I will add new parts to each experiment by editing the same post not by adding a new post. You will know that I am done when you see me write "The End."

Olga Makarova PhD

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