This is a translation from the original Dimetris Russian language forum. Dimetris' founders and forum administrators - Pavel and Elen Enikeev, Ukraine.
NOTE: These entries are in chronological order beginning with the original seedling description.
Pavel: "Compact, small speckled star with many pistils but no pollen. Perfect,compact, self-forming rosette."

Pavel: "It is a star. The star is beautiful not only because it is symmetrical, but in this case it is something else. Usually on non-star Streptocarpus the speckled pattern looks weaker on upper petals than on lower one. In this case, all petals are identical and speckles on upper petals are as bright as on the lower ones."
Pavel: " it is a mini strep. Blooms are only 4 cm (1.5 inch)." Pavel: "Today, Oct 22, 2018 and our beauty looks like this."