DS-King of Clubs, DS-1765, DS-Король Треф
This is a translation from the original Dimetris Russian language forum. Dimetris' founders and forum administrators - Pavel and Elen Enikeev, Ukraine.
NOTE: These entries are in chronological order beginning with the original seedling description.
Pavel: "Beautiful, neat rosette, strong, ideal peduncles, double bloom with thick petals. Pigment is so dark that I have to lighten the photo to show the color!"

Elen: "By the way, I hope everybody understands that it's a boy!


Elen: "Together with a girl."

Pavel: "Half a year later, as the plant matures, the rosette, the peduncles, the flowers, all become more and more beautiful."

In video comparison (from left to right): DS-1765, DS-1769, and DS-1719
https://youtu.be/NCcLcBGGYBQFirst photo submitted from forum

Elen: "King of Clubs is silk and velvet together."