DS-Beautiful, DS-1880
This is a translation from the original Dimetris Russian language forum. Dimetris' founders and forum administrators - Pavel and Elen Enikeev, Ukraine.
Elen: "Pure, frosty, large flowers with neat, compact rosette."

Elen: "DS-1880 and 1868 are friends : )"

Elen: "This is what the flowers look like when they have just opened."

Elen: "They are also fragrant!!"

Elen: "Look at the contrast!"

Approximately 4-3/4 inches (12 centimeters) wide bloom

Here is some video of DS-Beautiful:
https://youtu.be/y1mnxrDpX3c?t=6m46sPavel: "Self-forming rosette, very strong peduncle holding flowers that are up to 5" wide. I like the thin, delicate violet edging on the upper petals!"

Pavel: "This new hybrid needs a name! The Forum suggested "Icy Storm," "Crystal Fairy," "Tender," and "Beautiful" which was ultimately selected.
Francheska: "The next photo shows the changing colours which frequently coincide with fragrance."

Some close-ups: