This is translation from the original Dimetris Russian speaking forum. Pavel Enikeev is Dimetris' founder and forum administrator. (Ukraine) His forum name is Алхимик (Alchemist)
In that forum hybrids with numbers and names are here: ... tter=1&f=5
Hybrids with only numbers are here: ... tter=2&f=5
Pavel: "I named this hybrid DS-Njord. Scandinavian God Njord is similar to Slavic God Striborg. DS-Njord is different from DS-Striborg only by form and pattern of bloom that similar to silivans. Since Sylvia came from Denmark I named it DS-Njord."
Together with DS-Chick

Apr 30, 2014:
Pavel: "It is also a little darker than DS-Stroborg."

Video in Pavel's greenhouse: July 28, 2014 First photos from forum:
Irina Kiseleva: "These are it's first flowers. They aren't opened fully yet. I wanted to show bright yellow color. It has a lot of buds. Grow very quickly and very resistant to high temperature."

Another grower:

Aug 28, 2014. Another grower: " I agree that this hybrid is very easy to grow and resistant to heat. This summer was quit hot. "