As you might know in 2014 Pavel Enikeev (Dimetris founder) published “Стрепоткарпус” (“Streptocarpus”) – a 176 page (Russian language), heavily colored illustrated, hard cover book.
The book covers all aspects of growing streps, such as soils, water, potting, lights, temperature, watering, fertilizers, rejuvenation, propagation, pests (ticks, insects, fungi, and bacteria), etc. Also all imaginable problems with Streptocarpus including, root rot, different types of burning, edge necrosis, lack of different nutrients etc.
This book was very well received in the Russian-speaking world and there have been many requests for an English translation. Pavel and I decided to create an English language book about Streptocarpus based primarily on Russian original book, but updated and adapted to the English speaking audience.
We (Pavel and I) are in process of translating/editing/writing the new book "Streptocarpus" (English edition) . We are intended to serialize it in Gesneriads.
I am selling off the majority of my collection because of the time demand of the book.